Manna Kitchen | Manna Platinum Picnic £20 per person
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Manna Platinum Picnic £20 per person


Selection of rolls/ homemade quiche / mini sausage rolls/ slaw/ olives/ hand-cut crisps/ fresh strawberries/ homemade cakes.

Roll selection includes: Cheddar & tomato/ Free-range egg mayo & cress/ Brie, cranberry & lettuce / Tuna Mayo & cucumber / Smoked salmon, cream cheese & cucumber/ Chicken Salad/ Bacon, lettuce & tomato / Ham, cheese & pickle / Ham salad.

Quiche options include (1 per picnic): Feta & spinach/ Caramelised onion & cheddar/ Bacon & cheddar

This can be served ready to eat on arrival in our lovely wooden trays or packed-up ready for a day trip.

We will be in touch with you for the options after ordering, let us know of any special dietary requirements.


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